Company Analysis & Benchmarking

We can provide strategic analysis and updates on your competitors, customers and partners through company analysis reports with data granularity. Our reports range from in-depth company diagnostics that depict informative insights to crisp company snapshots presenting an at-a-glance view of offerings, financials, strategic focus, etc. Each report is customized to suit your business need.

Our Offerings

  • Company Diagnostics: Strategic insights into the company using various frameworks, competitive landscape and human capital parameters to provide a deep understanding of a potential partner/ client/ customer.
  • Company Snapshots: Brief and relevant profiles of companies of specific interest to you.
  • Company Quarterly Newsletters: Reports to keep you updated on the quarterly earnings performance, strategic moves, business outlook etc.
  • Competitor Intelligence: Close watch on competitors to optimise strategy and remain on top. Our competitor intelligence reports can help you gauge your own market standing, analyze competitor offerings, financial strengths/weaknesses, strategic focus areas, any other new developments etc.
  • Benchmarking Reports: Reports help understand offerings of a select group of players, strategic initiatives undertaken by other players, financial performance of a select list of players etc.

What You Get

Pertinent insights into a potential partner/customer of your choice

Data based tracking of your competitors’ businesses

Information on key developments of your competitors or companies of your interest

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